Canker Sore Toothpaste Can You Get Canker Sores From Cinnamon Toothpaste?

Can you get canker sores from cinnamon toothpaste? - canker sore toothpaste

I was sore with Cinnamon Rush toothpaste for a month and now have a cancer. Were they together? And I thought only higher food kind of citrus fruit acids. Just curious.


hucklebe... said...

I could not believe that there is a correlation between the use of toothpaste and mouth ulcers. I think that a cancer is a herpes sore evil - therefore justified.

andrea said...

Cinnimon toothpaste I have 4 of one year and nothing happened. hav u eat other things?

BabyRN said...

I like the toothpaste with cinnamon, I've never cared. But it is likely that toothpaste is not the only cause, but may have contributed to the irritation.

If you are in your mouth, is a cancer sore. Where is it in your mouth? If the inside of the cheek or gum bit was hot with tortilla chips or as a pin, then brush your teeth, some of these things is very strong and hot cinnamon if there is a snap session may not be more excited.

Good article about it here: ...

~~ said...

No, it wouldnt cause ulcers, but can cause allergic reactions to them. My son can not be used Aquafresh.

Hawaii80... said...

You can have allergic reactions to cinnamon. There are people who eat or come into contact with certain forms of Cinamon mouth ulcers. As you may be able to eat things with cinnamon powder or extracts, and not a problem, but the ravages of the past, perhaps.

EMC3 said...

not only swallow and gargle with warm salt water (do not choke and !!!!!!!) disappears.

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