Whats It Like Having A Hysterectomy What Happens To A Woman After Having A Hysterectomy?

What happens to a woman after having a hysterectomy? - whats it like having a hysterectomy

My mother is on the verge of a hysterectomy because of fibroids. What will happen to him. What can I expect. I mean, I'll be there for them, but there are also psychological effects that occur, any change in the body can? Please let me know, thanks.


purple said...

May hysterectomy patients have fever during recovery, and some may develop a bladder infection or mild infection. If an infection occurs, can be treated with antibiotics in general. Less frequently, can women need a blood transfusion before surgery because of anemia or during surgery for blood loss. Complications of anesthesia may also occur in the context, particularly for women who smoke, are overweight or have heart or lung disease.

As with any major abdominal or pelvic operation, serious complications such as thrombosis, severe infection, adhesions, postoperative (after surgery) hemorrhage may occur, intestinal obstruction or urinary tract injuries. In rare cases it can even lead to death.

In addition to direct operational risks may be more long-term physical and psychological effects, potentially including depression and loss of sexual desire. If the ovaries to the uterus before menopause (change of life are removed), there is an increased risk for osteoporosis and heart disease. These issues will be discussed later, with the possible treatments.

When making a decision, you should also consider a hysterectomy is not reversible. After a hysterectomy, you will not be able to have children and no longer menstruating. It is necessary to examine the impact of these changes on you.

Some women say they have a strong emotional reaction, or the feeling after a hysterectomy. Most feel after a few weeks, but some women feel pressed for a long time. Other women feel a sense of relief after a hysterectomy.

Everyone reacts differently, and the reactions are a combination of emotional and physical reactions. We have much to learn about the effects of hysterectomy on sexual function
and mood swings little help theropy hormones.

Smudgewa... said...

If you are the past, and you / they hardly perceptible.

Nina C. said...

The only effect is that going to move, because their hormones are of Wack. be very sensitive, to understand their feelings and HWAT happened during this difficult time.

sundaysc... said...

If the ovaries are removed following the operation.

If your ovaries are surgically removed, you lose the primary source of estrogen in the body. This means that you no longer. The sudden loss of estrogen can also lead to the fact that many of the same symptoms that women are permitted if they are natural menopause, including starting

Night sweats
Dryness of the vagina, the intimacy can be uncomfortable or painful
Bone loss at menopause, which can lead to osteoporosis in postmenopausal

Georgia Girl said...

Honey ... My sister told me that a hysterectomy is the biggest thing, and every woman should have a have. Your mother is resting after surgery and must be TLC, but they are in order. Without further delay, periods of children ... what a blessing for some, .. but is the only thing that you can enter into menopause earlier, is controlled by a hormone pill. Do not worry ... I promise I'll be fine.

precious... said...

In general, the weight gain from what I saw, but I really hope that everything goes well and she is good .. Good luck with that special MOM!

la bufanda said...

Yes, you will find that his mother begins to look less physically as a woman. of course that he had started to dress like a gentleman. to see older people. for some, if not for the clothes and the bone structure, he could never say that the gender. Because they have no hormones much more. Her mother is probably go through a little depression

fadded said...

Picardy really ready

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